Kimberly Henrie is a wife, mother, grandmother, personal trainer, fitness instructor, yoga teacher, podcaster, voice over talent and a wellness enthusiast. She likes to approach life healthfully, but in a way that is easy to integrate into the lives we live today. Watch this blog for easy solutions to fit into our fast-paced, convenience driven lifestyles. Kim strives to bring peace, a sense of balance and acceptance to what is going on around us so that we can enjoy all that life has to offer.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

So Where Do I Begin?

In an interview with radio host Don Wight this morning, he asked the question that so many ask, "Where do I start?"  The answers can be many and varied, depending on your current wellness situation and what you want to accomplish.

The short answer?  Start small.  With these two steps:

1) Make a promise to yourself every morning that you will move for 5-10 minutes minimum within that day.  Go for a walk, do some squats, run in place, push ups, jumping jacks, the list is endless.  Just begin to incorporate movement into your day as a start.

2) On the nutrition front, a simple way to start is to make a list of the healthy things you like to eat and make yourself a promise each morning that you will consume at least one of those healthy foods.  One of my favorites is a fruit smoothie.  There are so many recipes you can choose from, or make up your own.  Here's mine:

Two scoops Proflex Vanilla protein powder
a handful of frozen strawberries
one scoop of Fiberwise powder
one banana
Start with about 10 ounces of water and then add more if needed for consistency

Throw it all in a blender and zooooom!

I like this one because its easy and simple.  And I am a no fuss, no muss kind of girl.

It's important that you make this decision daily, so it's fresh.  Otherwise a week can go by and you realize you haven't kept up with your commitment, then you beat yourself up for failing and that just isn't good.  It creates a downward spiral that is hard to turn back from.  So, just commit daily for THAT DAY.  Forgive yourself if you fall short and recommit again for the next day.

The best healthy body plan there is, is to love yourself and your body as you are right now.  Then show that love by incorporating healthy choices each day.

If you would like help putting together a plan or just some motivation and encouragement to get started, shoot me an email and we'll work together during a free consultation to get you off on the right foot. Email me at

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