Kimberly Henrie is a wife, mother, grandmother, personal trainer, fitness instructor, yoga teacher, podcaster, voice over talent and a wellness enthusiast. She likes to approach life healthfully, but in a way that is easy to integrate into the lives we live today. Watch this blog for easy solutions to fit into our fast-paced, convenience driven lifestyles. Kim strives to bring peace, a sense of balance and acceptance to what is going on around us so that we can enjoy all that life has to offer.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Roaring Fork Wellness Weekly Podcast

Apple Blossoms in my yard
Ahhhh, spring has sprung!  I cherish every moment that I get to spend outside these days.  It's a remarkably lovely and enchanting time of year as we watch things return to life after a winter's sleep.

Scratch that.  A couple days after beginning this post - it is snowing here in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Oh well.

Life is ever-changing.  The things that we hold on to (like spring) can be fleeting. Circumstances that appear on the surface to be an inconvenience are nourishing and life-giving (like spring storms.)
I can accept this cycle of things....if I have to. ;-)

One of the joys of this spring for me is the return of the Roaring Fork Wellness Weekly podcast.  I cherish the weekly chats with my guests and the practical knowledge they share, along with the sense of their soul that I get just by spending some time talking about their passions.  Scheduling this time each week can feel like work.  Gratefully it always becomes such a gift as the interview unfolds and I get to a nugget or two that I didn't know was there.  I invite you to listen in to these conversations by clicking the player below.

What unexpected gifts are you experiencing through this spring transition of seasons? Please share and let us celebrate with you.

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