Kimberly Henrie is a wife, mother, grandmother, personal trainer, fitness instructor, yoga teacher, podcaster, voice over talent and a wellness enthusiast. She likes to approach life healthfully, but in a way that is easy to integrate into the lives we live today. Watch this blog for easy solutions to fit into our fast-paced, convenience driven lifestyles. Kim strives to bring peace, a sense of balance and acceptance to what is going on around us so that we can enjoy all that life has to offer.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Toxic Jeans

I sit here in wonder and amazement as I ponder this latest article My Jeans Hurt My Thyroid? Seriously?

Is there no end to the things we do to ourselves and our planet that cause harm? Or is that all part of the plan and we are just pawns in the game? This is a serious question.

I try to do my best to "do no harm." And I certainly don't latch on to the latest and greatest "super products" because I am leary of just what this article discusses.... unknown and unintended consequences. I believe all things in moderation, now more than ever.

What do you think/believe? Love to hear your thoughts.

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